X-Force #116

Marvel ⋅ 2001


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Key Facts

1st team appearance of X-Statix: Coach, Anarchist, Battering Ram, Gin Genie, La Nuit, Plazm, Sluk, Zeitgeist, Doop, U-Go Girl

[March 2025 - supposed concept art leaked online depicting Doop for a potential MCU project but the legitimacy of the artwork being official is unknown - see additional images by tapping cover and swiping]

Issue Details




Mike Allred


Peter Milligan


May 2001


EXIT WOUNDS It's a new era for X-FORCE as writer PETER MILLIGAN ( Shade The Changing Man , Human Target ) and penciller MIKE ALLRED ( Madman , Atomics ) bring an exciting, controversial and innovative vision to the title! Professor X had a dream, that mutants and humans could live in peace and harmony. A new squad of operatives calling themselves X-Force are living that dream. These eight mutants are cashing in on their special skills to preserve the Free World from the Forces of Evil, but at no small cost to themselves. Adored by humans, reviled by their fellow mutants, X-Force has successfully "crossed over." Problem is, there may be no going back! Meet the new team: Zeitgeist, U-Go Girl, The Anarchist, Battering Ram, Plazm, Gin Genie, La Nuit and their amorphous assistant Doop! Eight mutants who've teamed together to do the big dirty jobs that others can't. Eight mutants who shine in the blinding lights of the media—but strike in the dark of night. Eight mutants who've agreed to burn brightly and—as you'll see—burn fast! Take the dark and paranoid writings of Peter Milligan. Blend with the pop surreal stylings of Mike Allred. Mix in the special spice that is X. Serve over ice and enjoy!

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